Some of my scripts for daily use on a linux desktop

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Radio Box Widget

I like to listen to radio when I am working on my computer. Usually, I listen to FIP radio, the track information played by this radio are very cools and smooths (example for one day : here) but of course I don't use their ugly player or their information popup ...

Guess what, I want to display the tracks I'm listening on my desktop in a conky ;-)
But as there are more radios than "FIP radio" and because the script was not difficult to write, the conky came more "universal" (sorry, a big word for a little thing).
You need conky 1.8.0 because the script use cairo_text_extents_t structure for text alignment.

The script can be downloaded from ubuntu forums : here.

First, I said I don't want a ugly player, so I use vlc with the http interface, like this :

vlc --intf=http

there are others interfaces or others methods to hide a player but I like vlc!

I can control volume with my keyboard or with my browser at this address :

The conky itself doesn't get the track information. This is done by a bash script, (I made one for FIP here but for others radios, you have to work a little bit ...) which write the information in a text file.
So, the conky needs only this text file in input with at least one of the lines bellow (order doesn't matter):

radio:__FIP radio__
artist:Sonny Rollins
title:Come, Gone
album:Way out West

I will call this file : /tmp/radio.txt

In the conkyrc, as usual, call the Lua script :

lua_load ~/scripts/radio-box.lua
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt
${execi 15 ~/scripts/}

You can see that the main_radio_box function needs one parameter : the track information file generated by the
In fact, the function can have 17 parameters but only the first one is mandatory.

If you run the script with only the first parameter, you get that :

useless, isn't it ?

Now, let's add some parameters on the main function :
The x, y coordinates of the top-left corner, to move the box :
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 100 25

The font and the font size, to change the display :
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Purisa 15

The informations to display, in the form ATBLYR where :

Example :
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 RATBLY

Here you can see that the box auto-fit the text, both in height and width.

The cover.
If your script get the cover, you can display it, just set the path in the file /tmp/radio.txt. To display, the cover use 1, other caracter to not display.
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 RATBLY 1

If there is less text to dispaly, the cover will resize to the height of the text frame, like this
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATB 1

The border size :
(In a reel conky, you should write all the parameters on one single line)
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATBY
1 7

The radius of the corners:
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATBY
1 3 15

lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATB
1 0 0

Bye, Sonny...

The gap between the two frames:
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATB
1 3 3 60

The light effect source, possibles values are :
nw : Nord-West (default)
nn : North-North
ne : North-East
ee : East-East
se : South-East
ss : South-South
sw : South-West
ww : West-West

Example for North-North :
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATB
1 3 3 10 nn

The colors of the frame (it's a linear gradient but if the two values are the same, there is no more gradient):
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATB
1 3 3 10 ee
FF0000 FFFF00 1 1

The colors of the text :
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15
ATB 1 3 3 10 ee
F00F00 FCFFC0 1 1 00FF00 00FFFF 1 1

The colors of the border (the same of the main frame if they are not defined, but inversed)
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATB
1 5 5 10 sw
CCCCCC 000000 1 1 FFFF00 FFFFFF 1 1 000000 DDDDDD 1 1

More classical :
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATB
1 2 0 10 ww
CCCCCC CCCCCC 1 1 000000 000000 1 1 000000 000000 1 1

While writing this note I add parameters for transparancy:
lua_draw_hook_post main_radio_box /tmp/radio.txt 10 10 Japan 15 ATBLY
1 5 5 10 nw
000000 FFFFFF 0.3 0.3 FF0000 FF0000 0.5 0.5 000000 000000 1 0.2

I think I will add some effects on the cover if I can in the future.

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